Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How Does Your Garden Grow & A Praise

First, the praise.  Thank God for the rain! Just when you think you can not go any longer without a rain before your crops turn to dust, the Lord provides.  We got an awesome rain on Monday and what a sweet rain it was! God Is Good!

Shawn was home just in time too.  Our garden has decided to produce faster than we can keep up.  We have squash and cucumbers coming out of our ears. :) The corn has started coming off, and boy are we happy.  The difference is, I can freeze the corn for the winter, I don't know what to do with all the rest.  I guess I am going to have to take up canning. (Maybe I'll check Amazon for a book when I get done here.)

Here are some pictures of our bountiful harvest.
These are Sun Flower plants. 
Hunter wanted to plant those, so they are his.

Our Sweet Corn patch

This basket was filled a few times.

The Okra is just starting to come off. 
Once it gets going we will fill the basket 2-3 times a day.

These are the squash plants. 
You can see the cucumber plants in the back by the corn.
There's a row of okra to the right.

Shawn is looking for some green tomatoes for me to fry up.

Corn.  This was an exciting moment!

Yesterday's groceries
We had this twice!!! :)

Hunter was very proud of this very large (over ripe)
cucumber he found.  So we drew a face on him.
Cucumber Man got lonely so I found him a friend.

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