Monday, July 16, 2012

Inspiration & Target Finds

Don't you just love how we can all connect and get ideas from each other through blogs and Pinterest?  I find so many good ideas and inspiration from some really awesome teachers who I wold never even know existed if not for the web.  I was inspired by Caitlin at Kindergarten Smiles.

Kindergarten Smiles
She posted pictures of her wonderfully organized shelves and I fell in love.

Her labels came from Mrs. Freshwaters Class but I am in the process of making me some Seuss themed labels.

So I finally made it to a Target after waiting very impatiently for a week. (There is no Target near me!) I not only got those wonderful boxes with the pretty blue lids but I quickly did a run through the dollar bins.  (Very quickly, we were on our way to the water park and my mom and the kids were in the van waiting.)  Here is what I found.
I was like "OMG SEUSS!!!!!" Why oh why did I not get more of those certificates? And those flash cards.....I fell in LOVE!  I also got these little caddys that had four small compartments that will be perfect for holding scissors and things at their tabes. I had been looking for some like that but eveything that I found was big.  I forgot to snap a picture before I ran them by the school today.

Ok friends... Let's pretend that this picture is not upside down.  I was SUPER excited to find these cards! How could they be more perfect? I alwasy see addition and subtraciton skill but not Pre-K skills.  I got two of each.  I'm thinking they can be used in centers. :)

Once again...we will pretend this is not upside down. :( I got these Avengers things for my kiddo.  I figured I would surprise him with the little paly pack and note book when we go on vacation.  I can see it now......
Hunter: "Are we almost there????????(whine)"
Mom: "No... here, I got you this in case you got bored in the car."
Hunter: "Thank you Mommy! I love the Hulk!"
I'm sure it will not be anything like that but a girl can dream, can't she?

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